Business Formation & Transactions
For many, starting your own business is the ultimate American dream. However, that dream can be fraught with pitfalls without the proper legal representation for your business from inception to reality and beyond.
There are many business entity options for you to choose from with different complex legal and tax consequences. Thus, an attorney’s assistance is key to protecting that dream and setting up the appropriate type of business entity. One of the most common mistakes is to self-create a business without seeking advice from a competent legal advisor.
Your formation options for creating a business include, among others:
- Sole proprietorship
- Partnership
- Limited liability company (LLC)
- Limited liability partnership (LLP)
Depending upon the formation entity, certain documents, such as operating agreements, partnership and shareholder agreements, corporate bylaws and articles of incorporation may need to be drafted for your business.
For the ongoing operation of any business, tax forms, employment policies, employment handbooks, and employment contracts will need to be created as well. The attorneys at Howard Law Group also keep abreast of the latest changes in laws and regulations, while you focus on the day-to-day operations of your company.
Our lawyers also provide ongoing business consulting services designed to shield you and your company from potential lawsuits related to partnership disputes, discrimination claims or violations of noncompete agreements or non-solicitation agreements.
When things do go wrong, that is when Howard Law Groups shines even brighter. We are experienced in company ownership changes, including buy-outs, standing up for oppressed minority owners and in navigating a business divorce. When someone says your company owes them because of negligence, defective products, broken contracts, or other common disputes, we swing into action immediately, bringing years of experience on how to best manage the issues your business faces.