Product Liability
Product Liability Attorneys Achieving Outstanding Outcomes
Catastrophic accidents with significant damages attract the nation’s leading plaintiff firms. They move into action swiftly, flying in on their private jets, and parachuting onto the scene, beginning to build their case against you within mere hours.
In court, they’ll be armed for combat, boasting limitless financial and technical resources. They’ll be ready. Will you?
We are. And HOW.
Enter the Howard Law Group with an international reputation as a dynamic product liability law firm. We have worked intimately with clients to implement Emergency Response Plans, focusing on critical-thinking implementation strategies. Rapid response and mobilization to the scene to gather and preserve important evidence is crucial to an effective defense. Bill Howard has litigated 50 product liability cases in 20 states, primarily as defense counsel. We recently expanded our practice internationally to better assist our clients.
Our results speak for themselves. We are hired to try and win the toughest cases. From the onset, we employ the best experts and develop a strategy of attack, conducting the necessary investigative work into the details, to properly develop an effective and nuanced defense, as often the product has been modified or misused.
We’ve found that this no-stone-unturned approach can be the difference between a no-cause and a high plaintiff verdict. In fact, many of our clients have avoided a lawsuit entirely because of our extensive pre-suit investigation. Plaintiff’s attorneys don’t file lawsuits they don’t think they can win.
A product may be considered to be defective for many reasons including: unfitness for intended use; failure to warn; failure to guard; or defective design, construction, or materials. Our cases have ranged from small appliance fires to a 10-person fatality, from trucking accidents to plant explosions. These cases often involve claims of manufacturing defects, design defects, and/or failure to warn.
Our attorneys provide aggressive products liability defense in cases involving, e.g.:
- Agricultural and farm equipment
- Airline equipment
- Automobiles, car haul carriers, and automotive components (failures relating to tires, seat belts, airbags, roofs, etc.)
- Children’s toys
- Construction and building equipment
- Consumer products, small appliances
- Crane equipment
- Industrial equipment
- Manufacturing tools and equipment
- Marine and boating equipment
- Plant explosions
- Recreational vehicles
- Rental equipment
- Toxic torts
- Trucks, trailers and related equipment
Here at the Howard Law Group, our team of experienced professionals will analyze your product liability case and explain the options available based on your unique circumstances. Call us to learn more.