Rebecca L. Willison

[email protected]Education
Davenport University, Grand Rapids, MI (1996-2000)
BS in Legal Studies
Rebecca is an honors graduate of Davenport University, an ABA-approved paralegal program, where she received her paralegal degree. With more than 18 years of legal and litigation experience solely at the Howard Law Group, Rebecca’s loyalty to our clients did not go unnoticed. Long ago, our clients recognized Rebecca’s importance, looking to her as an ever-present source of information and support. Yet Rebecca’s remarkable customer-service mindset is secondary to her legal prowess.
Rebecca’s broad range of experience serves our clients well with their business, real estate, and litigation needs. Rebecca has a lot on her plate, often asked to assist with litigation and trial preparation, creative discovery development, witness preparation, etc. Of course, this is in addition to the daily nuts and bolts of managing the countless variables inherent in a national complex litigation practice, including relationships with local counsel. Rebecca takes it all in stride, with a smile and the grace one would expect of a true professional.
Rebecca is expertly trained in PowerPoint, Trial Director, and Sanction. These litigation-presentation software systems efficiently manage massive documents, exhibits, and evidence during discovery, and create polished presentations for the jury.